Global Payments is integrated with eTapestry fundraising CRM
透過 Blackbaud eTapestry™ CRM 和 Global Payments的專屬方案,自動化執行每月捐款和一次性捐款。
Global Payments (GP) is natively integrated into Blackbaud eTapestry™ CRM to automate payment processing for monthly and one-off donors.
eTapestry 自動發出收據和感謝信,可以大大減少了慈善機構的文書工作量並節省不少人力資源。
eTapestry then automatically issues receipts and thank-you letters for donations, substantially reducing administration workload for charities and saving significant costs.
eTapestry 和 Global Payments的專屬方案更可以支持線上捐款,購物,活動和票務。
The GP-eTapestry integration can also be easily used on the charity’s website to support online donations, shop, events and ticketing.
除香港以外,新加坡和韓國的慈善團體都採用了eTapestry ,以支持不同捐款活動並促銷線上捐款的多樣性。
Growing charitable organisations in Hong Kong, Singapore and South Korea are adopting eTapestry CRM for simple cloud-based fundraising and supporter management to helping diversify their donation sources.
要了解GP X eTapestry如何幫助減少文書工作量,降低成本並幫助您的慈善機構實現大勢所趨的電子化 ,請向eTapestry的亞洲經銷商CSG Catalyst for Social Good預約一對一的Presentation。電郵:
To see how eTapestry can help reduce the administration workload, costs and help your charity go digital, register for a demo with CSG Catalyst for Social Good, eTapestry’s Asian distributor by contacting:
